Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Whataburger Boy

He loves Whataburger fries...YUMM YUMM!! These were taken when we went house shopping with Papa Mark.

Breathing Treatments

Rowen still has to do a breathing treatment at night for his cough. He doesn't mind it at all. He actually starting doing it himself...I have the cutest video of it...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reading a Brochure on scholarly...

Rowen was reading up on Parainfluenza on the way home from the was so cute! He was really quiet on the drive home until he saw McDonald's, then he wanted fries. He really loves him some fries! We are so happy to have him home and well!

Coming home from the hospital...

He was so ready to come home...the nurses hated to see him leave. They just thought he was the cutest thing ever!