Friday, March 27, 2009

Wooden Spoon Song

Watch the video...

Making Brownies for Dad

Rowen and I made some brownies for dad's birthday last night. Ransom would rather have them than cake or cookies so we made a double batch so they would be extra thick! Rowen wanted to help but didn't want to stir the mix so I gave him his own wooden spoon, bowl and marshmellows to stir. We had a lot of fun! I'll post a video of it soon!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We want to say Happy Birthday to Daddy!! Ransom is 28 years old today! Rowen and I plan on giving him 28 spankin's tonight! We love you!!


Gracie is getting so BIG!!

The new potty seat...

We bought Rowen a potty seat to try and get him a little more interested in potty training. It's a CARS theme so I figured he would love it. And he LOVED it!! He loved it so much that he insisted on bringing it to bed with him when my mom and sister were here visiting last weekend. The pictures are hilarious! We even put George in it...sooooo cute!!