I had my monthly doctor's appointment this morning and the doctor says that we're doing great! I am 25 weeks and a few days along now. I am really happy that I've gained less weight this time around. I gained about 60 pounds with Rowen...I was miserable and HUGE! I was sick the first 3 months and my body didn't adjust to the pregnacy very easily. With Jenner, I feel so much better. I had little to no morning/afternoon sickness and have only gained approximately 18 pounds so far. Babies at this time average about 13 1/2 inches long and weigh approximately 1 1/2 lbs so baby is getting big. Jenner is definitely a mover. He has moved, kicked, and flipped around more than Rowen did when I was 25 weeks along. Even the ultra-sound tech that did our last ultra-sound at 23 weeks had to be quick to get his picture because he was all over the place and said his heart rate of 167 proved he was a busy little guy. All is well and we are really excited to meet baby Jenner in June or July!