Friday, April 24, 2009

Trains, Trains, & More Trains

Rowen LOVES his trains! We bought him a Thomas the Train for Easter and he took it everywhere. He slept with it, ate with it, and tried to take baths with it. So we decided to get him a train track and a few more trains. He plays with them every night, all night. He takes one to daycare everyday and play with it all day at daycare. The first night we put the track together and we played trains for hours. There are about 30 tracks in the set and you can take them apart and put them together to make different shapes. He runs the trains down the track for awhile then takes the tracks apart and puts them back together again. Soooo funny!
Last night I put the tracks back in his room and told him it was time for bed. I put him in our bed with all 3 trains! I turned on his movie and went into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, etc. I was almost done when I heard him running into the room yelling momma, momma, look, look. He took my hand and told me to "mon", or "come on" in our language. He pulled me out into the livingroom. He had gotten his tracks out again and built a long straight track. He was so proud of it. I once again told him it was time for bed. He ran into the bedroom, jumped into bed, and laid down. It was so cute!! I guess he just wanted to biuld one last track before bed.

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